Korean BBQ!

November 01, 2015

While we were in China one of my favourite. Meals to eat was Korean BBQ. Now when I say BBQ its completely different to a typical western style BBQ. You have a hot grill type thing in the middle of a table, you order a selection of veg and meat, and then you cook the food! It's amazing! And so damn tasty!      

Once you have cooked your meat you can eat it, we ate ours in a lettuce leaf with a healthy chunk of garlic, some Korean BBQ sauce and some sweet beans or kimchi.

My favourite dish from Korean BBQ had to be enoki mushrooms wrapped in bacon. I reallllllly miss eating that right now so I decided the other evening I was going to recreate the Korean BBQ at home. Sadly I had to substitute the enoki mushrooms for oyster mushrooms but to be honest they tasted just as yummy! Here is how I did it:

You will need:

- a pack of oyster mushrooms

- 10 rashers of streaky bacon

- 1 little gem lettuce

- 2 cloves of garlic (sliced)

- 10 cocktail sticks

-Your favourite sauce (unless you can get hold of the Korean BBQ sauce)


1. Turn on your grill to medium heat, I used my George Forman for this and it worked perfectly but I am sure a normal grill will work just fine.

2. Wash the oyster mushrooms, take a rasher of bacon and wrap it round the mushroom, sort of like a pig in blanket. Secure with a toothpick and repeat the process until all the bacon is used up.

3. Your grill will be warm enough to use now so put as many of the mushrooms as you can on it and begin to cook. Turning half way through.

4. Meanwhile prepare the lettuce by washing it and pop it in a bowl, pop the garlic in a separate bowl ready for serving.

5. Your mushrooms will probably be ready or there abouts. Cook them how you like them to be done, if you like your bacon crispy, just leave them a little longer.

6. Ta da! It's ready, pop the mushrooms on a serving plate and they are ready to be devoured.


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  1. Yum! Love Korean BBQ. I lived in south korea for 18 months few years back and still miss sunday lunches we had at a local BBQ restaurant in Ulsan :)

  2. I have major cravings for it all the time! Such good food!
