Roasted Sweet Potato, Onion and Garlic Soup

August 05, 2015

Last night I made Miles and I soup for dinner. I know what you're thinking "soup... In summer? It's a bit warm for that" but this soup was just right, not too heavy, not too hot. Justtttt right! In fact I loved it so much I had it for lunch today too.

You will need:

  • 2 sweet potatoes

  • 2 medium roasting potatoes

  • 4 cloves of garlic

  • 1 vegetable stock pot

  • 300 ml water

  • 2 onions

  • a dash of olive oil

  • salt and pepps

  • some parsley (optional)

  • 1/2 of a red chilli (optional)


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Peel and wash your potatoes, then chop into cubes of about 1 inch, peel the onions and chop into quarters, and peel your garlic.

  2. Drizzle a little olive oil into a roasting tin and add all of the prepared veg. Season with your salt and pepps, cover with foil and roast for about 35 minutes, until they are nice and soft.

  3. Once your veg has roasted remove from the oven to cool slightly and dissolve your stock pot in 300ml of water by heating it gently over heat in a saucepan.

  4. Once your stock pot is dissolved pop your roasted veg into a blender and add your stock (and the chilli if you're feeling a little funky). Blend until you have a sliky smooth texture and serve.

I added some parsley to garnish but you don't have to :)


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